Young people often ask, "How am I going to meet the right person?" Sometimes we read articles of advice on that subject: attend a church; get into the activities; join a social club. By all means, one should attend a church, but not just for the purpose of meeting a companion. God has said: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33).
The better way to find a likely person for marriage is through God's guidance – seeking His will through prayer, submission to His direction and adherence to Bible admonitions. Christian fellowship among young men and women can be very beneficial and spiritually inspiring; but in addition to group association, one must consider the individual.
Take time to stop and think of spiritual values. When keeping company with someone, do you find that your spiritual life is enhanced through your being with this person? Does your partner enjoy prayer and the Word of God? These are things to consider before choosing a lifelong companion.
On the contrary, is your spirituality waning because of the company you are keeping? Is your prayer life lessening? These are things to consider as warnings against an unsuitable companion.
If you notice traits in a person which you know for sure you would not want in a marriage partner, why date him or her at all? You take a chance of becoming involved in something that will not be for your good. It may not be until after prolonged association that some undesirable traits will show up; and one may be disappointed in a person who at first seemed so pleasing. But when undesirable traits are obvious, avoid that person. Don’t begin a relationship that will cause a heart break.