How to Handle Difficult Times in Marriage
How glorious it is when a young man affirms his love to his wife before the congregation of well-wishers: “I, Only God Knows the Future, solemnly take you, Love is Blind, as my wife for better for worse. ”Shortly after, the young woman makes her affirmation in same fashion and the congregation choruses 'Amen!' That signals the beginning of their marriage with its honey, sugar, passion and difficulties. Sometimes whether we like it or not, difficult times will come. This is why God is getting us prepared for the realities of difficulties in marriage. It is very important that the newly married brethren take their time to ponder frankly about life during their honeymoon, and decide how to handle the evil days. I do not mean that marital life is evil. No. It is in fact wonderful but we must also bear in mind that the world is not a friend of grace. Marriage was originally meant to be enjoyable and wonderful but Satan, the adversary, is ever seeking how to sow the seed of discord to deny couples the intrinsic joy and peace embedded in marriage.