Marriage Procedure
1. Readiness or preparedness
For a marriage to be meaningful and attract the blessing of God upon the parties concerned, the intending young man and young woman must be spiritually, physically, and materially ready. Experience has shown that it is utter foolishness to contemplate marriage without being all-round ready.
A. Spiritual Readiness
It is usually in one's youth that one desires to have a life partner, and for that reason, it is very necessary to be converted early so that one's choice may be directed by God Himself. By conversion, I mean the person must have been saved, sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire and must have been living a consistent victorious Christian life. He or she must have proved his or her worth as a Christian through trials, temptations and persecutions. He or she must have had many years of good standing in the church with a consistent testimony. He or she must have a well-built-in spiritual reservoir to equip himself or herself for the inevitable challenges in marriage.
B. Physical Readiness
Anybody contemplating marriage must be mature in age.He or she should be anything above twenty-one years.Statutorily, a person becomes an adult at the age of eighteen but he or she is not mentally mature to contemplate marriage.
C. Material Readiness
No matter how one looks at it, marriage is expensive and one has got to prepare for it adequately. Anybody contemplating marriage must have finished his or her education, got a job and prepared himself or herself materially. How long this takes varies from individual to individual and according to the quality of one's education,which will determine how lucrative his or her job is. If the person contemplating marriage is an artisan, he or she must have mastered his or her trade, got established and acquired some resources in preparation for marriage.