Though no regular Bible training school is maintained by this denomination, each year a three-weeks’ campmeeting-convention is held at the headquarters’ Tabernacle grounds in Portland, Oregon, at which time intensive Bible study is conducted for the benefit of all who attend. Local members, ministers and visitors from branch churches are built up spiritually, and benefited through the reviewing of the doctrines and going into the deeper Truths of the Word of God.

Books of Bible Teachings have been published, also a Series of Bible Studies compiled from the Word of God, which furnish the Sunday School teachers, young ministers and Bible students with much material on various Bible subjects. 

Reserved in their library for reference and study are scores of the original sermons and teachings of the founder of this organization, the late Florence L. Crawford, who established the Apostolic Faith with its headquarters in Portland, Oregon, in I907, and laid the doctrinal foundation stones according to the original doctrines embraced by the holy people whom God blessed with the outpouring of the Spirit in I906 in Los Angeles, California. 

Though living in a changing world, this church sees no reason to revise the teachings of the Unchangeable God. They who study the sermons and early teachings of the founder of this work find her messages a source of inspiration and spiritual uplift, very applicable to the present day, and wholly based on the unalterable Word of God.