At the conclusion of a series of services, Mother returned to her home in Los Angeles for a short period of rest. One morning when the thousands in that great city were stirring themselves from their slumber for their daily routine, a definite call came to Mother. Clearly and distinctly she heard these words: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Though she did not know how she could ever reach the whole world with the Gospel message, she began to consecrate and started making preparations to fulfill her responsibility. Everything seemed to be against her leaving Los Angeles at that time. The minister there did not see how he could spare her services; but she remarked that if God was truly calling her, He would make it plain to her and to others. As she sat meditating in the old Azusa Street mission, she lifted her eyes toward the dingy walls of that building and it seemed that a door opened right before her, revealing the radiant light of Heaven. God spoke to her, saying: “I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it” (Revelation 3:8). She responded: “I will go. God, I will walk into that open door.” Many years later she said, “I didn’t know what suffering, heartache, and reproach would follow my answering that call, but I had said that I would go, and I kept my word. And in spite of the thousands who tried to shut that door, no one shut it; and I thank God that I never closed the door in my own face.”

On another occasion, God spoke to Mother and said, “I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth much fruit, and that your fruit should remain.” No doubts remained in Mother’s mind as to her calling to go into larger fields; and God fulfilled His promise in giving her a fruitful ministry of world-wide scope.