One project which cannot be overlooked and which has been in progress for 40 years or more is that of quilt making. Numbers of our elderly women piece the tops, and from time to time have quilting bees. One day when four frames were in operation in the house, and others in the yard, ten quilts were finished. The largest number quilted within a year was 105. There is no end to this work. Each year some of the bedding is worn out and some possibly donated to families in need.

In connection with this work as with every phase of the Lord's work, stories of miracles can be told. The woman who now oversees the quilting project came into the Gospel through witnessing her father's healing. He had two cancers on his face and had been told the cancer would be in his brain within three weeks. When he came to the Apostolic Faith people for prayer, and was asked if he believed God would heal him, with all his heart he said, "I believe." God healed him instantly and he lived to a ripe old age. For 35 years he told of the miracle God had wrought in his life. After he was healed, he invited the workers from Portland to his home town. As a result, his daughter and family and five other families who heard the Gospel preached by the Apostolic Faith have come and are active in the evangelistic field.