It was in the spring of 1923 that a family from Kansas moved onto the campgrounds and for 22 years they helped to take care of the flowers and the grounds. The wife aided the husband in planting, and their three little girls helped in weeding and pulling out the dandelions.

Before coming to Portland the wife had been given up to die of cancer and tuberculosis, but a request for prayer sent to the Apostolic Faith changed the future for the family. She was instantly healed and within a few days, in her kitchen, she knelt in prayer and God saved her soul – and later saved the whole family.

One year the church could not afford to buy flowers for the campground and a florist in a neighboring town heard about it. He said, "That cannot ever happen." For a number of years he loaded his truck with plants from his hothouse and hauled them a distance of about 65 miles where flower-lovers went to work setting them out. This procedure continued until 1951 when a hothouse was built on the campgrounds.

This same brother who brought the plants to Portland has been the official gardener on the campgrounds for a number of years. He and his wife have a year-round job working in the hothouse and on the grounds. Besides his regular helpers, there are 15 or 20 who come out on planting day to set out the plants.

In 1960 the hothouse was modernized and enlarged to about 100 feet in length. During a year 6000 annuals are grown and made ready for planting. Hundreds of geraniums, fuchsias, begonias, and a variety of bedding plants are grown and planted for the enjoyment of those who come to see the beauty of the grounds blessed by the God of Heaven.