The 1909 camp meeting, held in the Montavilla district east of the city, was also remembered for conversions of a number who became zealous Christian soldiers of the Cross.

At this camp meeting, a well-dressed, diamond-decked, travelling salesman for the National Cash Register Company, was converted from Catholicism and from a life of sin and shame. From the very moment of his conversion, he was filled with zeal to tell of the power of God to deliver from sin, and asked that the exits of the tabernacle be closed, that none leave until they come forward to pray and find the joy he had experienced.

This man, the Rev. Richard Clark, became a fearless preacher of righteousness, and as an evangelist traveled in various parts of the nation, declaring the power of God to save from sin.

Another note of interest was the way in which a pioneer family of the Gospel was led into contact with the Apostolic Faith. The mother, who was already saved and sanctified, heard some Apostolic Faith workers singing for patients in a hospital where she was confined. She was later taken to a home which was close to the Montavilla camp meeting where she stayed for a period of recuperation. After gaining sufficient strength, she started out to make her way toward the campgrounds and as she walked along, God spoke down into her heart, saying: "This is the old, old way. Walk ye in it." She sought for God's fullness and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and other members of the family were also saved. Today after many years, a number of their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren are loving and serving God in the Apostolic Faith church.

A remarkable conversion was that of a twelve-year-old girl who heard of the Apostolic Faith camp meeting in her Sunday School class. On a hot July day she trudged a long distance to find the grounds, where she attended a service. Because of trouble in her home, she was much discouraged, and had wondered if she would ever see another happy day. After hearing the testimonies of victory and the Word of God preached, she earnestly prayed and sought God's peace. God saved her soul, and gave her great joy, peace, and victory.

For years, as a secretary, and also as a musician, she faithfully gave her time and talent to the work of the Gospel. Today, as wife of the General Overseer she labors at his side in various departments at the headquarters' church; and as his secretary, aids in answering hundreds of letters received from all over the world.