The faith of many was severely tried at the Mount Tabor camp meeting when an epidemic of smallpox broke out. Many were exposed and the disease threatened to spread throughout the grounds. All went to prayer, and prayed all night. Just as dawn was breaking, a vision was seen of Christ above the tabernacle and an angel moving over the tents of the camp. God healed those who were sick and stayed the plague so that it spread no farther.

Another trial came on the grounds when a group of rowdies seemed determined to cut down the large tent-tabernacle. They had cut twenty-two ropes and were in the process of cutting one of the main guy ropes when they stopped. While the trouble was going on outside the tent, Mother, whose heart was filled with faith, accompanied by a young woman, stepped out in the middle of the disturbance and began to sing an old Gospel hymn. The tumult ceased and the rowdies skulked away.

All were thankful for God’s goodness that night, for had the tent fallen it could have caused a serious fire, because inside the tent a layer of sawdust carpeted the ground, and gasoline torches burned overhead. In spite of the disturbance, the Spirit of God worked unhindered in the hearts of earnest seekers.

One who was especially blessed that night was a man who had come from Alaska, where he had gone during the Klondike gold rush. While up in the frozen North he took severely ill. In a dying condition, wrapped in an Alaskan sleeping bag, he was taken back to Seattle, Washington.

Having been brought up to deny the divinity of Christ, he became an infidel at heart; but as he lay at the point of death, his past life came up before him, and he was afraid to die. He cried out:

"Oh, my God, if You will spare my life and get me back to the United States, I will serve You." God not only spared his life but saved his soul; five months later, sanctified him; and the night the ropes of the tent were being cut, the Lord gave him the marvelous experience of the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Ofttimes in testimony, he would say, "I praise God that I am not an infidel. There is not a question in my mind concerning the divinity of Jesus Christ because He revealed  Himself to me and saved my soul. I believe every word in that Bible."