Mother practiced what she taught and took her stand against many ministers who tried to persuade her to deny some of the doctrines. In time it became necessary for her to severe connections with the Los Angeles group who were trying to maintain the headquarters of this work. They had departed from the original Apostolic Faith doctrines, let down the standard on holiness, accepted the teaching of one work of grace and were given over to much demonstration and fanaticism.

God honored the stand Mother took for the purity and fullness of the Gospel. And in accordance with the promise He had given her when she was in the East, the headquarters of this present international evangelistic work was established in Portland, Oregon.

Hundreds of times Mother prayed that God would keep the ballast of the Gospel ship intact, that this evangelistic work would never drift into fanaticism and false doctrine, or give way to modernism and formalism.

Ofttimes she admonished us to hold fast to the eternal Word and let it be our chart and compass. She reminded us that we need not be too narrow-minded neither did we need to be broader minded than the Word of God. She would say, "The Word is what holds us steady; and someday this old Gospel ship will safely make the Harbor."