On Mother's return to Los Angeles, after her trip to the East, she found that the minister and numbers of the people who had vowed their allegiance to stand by the doctrines as originally accepted had broken their vows.

Some ministers had brought in other theories and beliefs and confused the minds of many. The Zinzendorf doctrine, with which John Wesley had to contend, was being accepted by many who believed that a person was sanctified at the same time he was justified.

Another question being debated was the right to remarry after divorce. It seemed that throughout the nation and throughout the world, many who had once embraced the doctrines God honored at the time of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Azusa Street, began turning to what they termed "new light."

One man was teaching we could have a sanctified body, immune from any sickness, but his wife who was supposed to be immune, died suddenly. Others were advocating the "Jesus Only" doctrine, denying the Holy Trinity. Another fanatical delusion that arose and deceived many was that of snake handling, which is still being practiced today by certain religious sects. Some were claiming to possess the "gift of tongues," but they were found to be indulging in various kinds of fanatical demonstrations. The Apostolic Faith does believe in the Bible evidence of receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost, that of speaking in another language, in accordance with Acts 2:4; but they do not tolerate fanaticism and unscriptural manifestations.

The deceiver of men's souls found susceptible minds for false doctrines and many erred, following human leaders instead of the true and unfailing Guide, the WORD OF GOD.