“As a young girl I never knew what it was to hear a mother pray; I never laid my hands on a Bible until I was a grown woman; but God looked down into my heart and saw that I wanted something real.

"One night as I was dancing in a ballroom, while the orchestra was playing, God spoke out of Heaven and said, 'Daughter, give Me thine heart.' Nobody had to tell me it was God, for I knew it was the voice of God.

"I went immediately to my home and began to pray. I wrestled in prayer for days, fighting back the power of atheism and infidelity. The enemy would tell me that there was no God, that the Bible was a myth. I would pray until the wee hours of the morning – could hardly eat or sleep. It seemed I could find no peace, and I felt there was no hope.

"Finally, I remembered a little woman who was a Christian and I went to her home. When she opened the door and looked into my face she said, 'You want God.' I said, 'Oh! I want Him more than anything else in the world.' I fell on my knees right there, and she prayed for me – God came into my heart. I do not know how long I prayed; but the sun was shining when I went in and it was dark when I came out.

"I returned to the home where I had left my friends, and they said, 'You have been gone so long. We have been waiting for you.' I lifted my hands toward Heaven and said, 'No cards for me; I have found Jesus!' The card table was put aside, and we sang the songs of Zion. What a change had come into my life! I had the peace and satisfaction that my soul had so long sought. I could have told the whole world that Jesus was real and that He had come into my heart."

At the time of Mother’s conversion, I was only a child, but I well remember the change which came into our home. There were no more card games, no more going to dances or theatres. Instead, Mother began to teach my sister and me the stories of the Bible and she told us of the beauties and glories of Heaven. Another noticeable change, following Mother's conversion, was manifested in the way the family carriage was used. Formerly she used it to take her friends to parties and balls; but now she used it to carry baskets of food to the poor.