The crew of volunteer Christian worker who have the responsibility of bringing the seamen from the ships to the services, are a busy group of men.
During the day, the head dispatcher of this crew learns what ships are in port, and then designates certain members to call at certain ships. Our workers try to visit as many foreign vessels as Possible. Sometimes a member who can speak the native language of the men aboard a ship will accompany the workers. However, literature and invitations in foreign languages are given seamen who cannot understand English.
The men on ship are told of our inspiring church services, the large orchestra and chorus, the fine music and singing, that no collections are ever taken; and that free transportation is provided.
Four nights of the week, members of this "land crew" faithfully perform their missionary work, furnishing their own cars and gasoline. An evening's round trip may add up to a distance of 65 miles, or even more, depending on the location of the dock.
Sometimes a call comes in that a lone seaman on a ship, as far away as the Longview harbor on the Columbia, desires to attend one of our church services, and one of the drivers is sent to pick him up and then return him to his ship. It is usually a late hour before any of these harbor missionary workers pillow their heads in sleep; but they feel every effort is spiritually rewarding.
Including both the active and reserve members, there are 20 men available to pick up the seamen. One worker reported that he alone, with his car, brought 581 men to church within the year. This work of transportation is augmented by church buses which carry large numbers of seamen when they cannot be accommodated in private cars.
Besides being taken to church, visiting seamen at times are entertained in the homes of the church members where they learn better the way of American life and feel the warmth of personal Christian friendships.
Some seamen, when taken back to their ship, have been reluctant to leave the worker's car. They have had a "taste" of something better in life and they want to sit with the Christian a little longer and learn more about the Christian life. Sometimes they even stay in the car to pray and desire their Christian driver to pray with them until they are spiritually satisfied.