In the days of the boat work, we published a seaman's paper, "The Morning Star" edition. Some seamen, after reading it, prayed through to victory right on their ship. One boy who read the paper and was saved, wrote us that God spared his life while other buddies were falling all around him during the heat of a battle. Word came to us of some boys who had tucked the "Morning star" paper away in their pockets while here in port, and after a shipwreck, aboard a raft, they read the papers and found courage and strength and faith to sustain them, and eventually they were rescued. 

They credited their rescue from a watery grave to having the papers with them, and when their ship again came into the Portland harbor they took up a collection and sent a man to the Apostolic Faith headquarters church building to get 175 copies of the "Morning star," one for each man on board their ship. We gave them the papers and an assortment of literature, but refused the money. The next day they were back again, grateful, and bringing with them some Chinese coins for souvenirs.