A fervent Gospel worker in Vancouver, B. C., was once a sin-wrecked and unhappy seafarer. One day his ship tied up in the Portland harbor and the boys from the Vigilance Missionary Boat went aboard to invite the men to church. 

This man happened to be the first person they met. He had no idea who these workers were but as soon as he saw them he thought: "How clean those boys look!" He accepted their invitation and came to the services a number of times; then one night he yielded his heart to God. The Lord saved his soul, transformed his life, and he went back on duty among the same men with whom he had served. Aboard ship, under the identical conditions as before, with temptations all around him, he proved God's power to keep one living a Christian life under any circumstance. 

Following his release from duty on ship, he took up his residence in Vancouver, B. C., where he is now a minister of the Gospel, helping in the rescue of other sin-sick souls and is experiencing great joy in serving the Lord.