Officials of foreign countries appreciate the kindness extended their men, and in varied ways express their appreciation. 

After a number of Dutch ships returned to their homeland from the Port of Portland, the Secretary of the Queen of Netherlands sent the following letter: 

"Her Majesty, the Queen of Netherlands, has been touched by the kindness which the members of your congregation have shown to the men of the Dutch ships, inviting them to church and giving them a pleasant time during their stay in your harbor.

Japanese officials also greatly appreciated the interest taken in the moral and spiritual welfare of their seafaring men. As an expression of their gratitude, the Japan Ship owners' Association sent the Apostolic Faith a beautiful traditional figure of classic art, a large, gorgeously dressed Japanese doll. This gift was presented by the Japanese Consul to the Overseer of the church, and is on display in our headquarters' office. 

One night, two Buddhist priests, dressed in their long black robes, came to church service, bowed in appreciation for the kindness we had shown their countrymen; and on leaving, courteously "backed" their way out at the entrance of the Tabernacle. 

Other countries, likewise, have sent tokens of appreciation and letters of thanks to us for the interest taken in their seamen when they stopped at our port.