Many were the miraculous healings which took place among those who had simple faith in the Word of God. The experience of one family, in particular, gives evidence of God’s healing power. A mother tells of her daughter’s healing who had the dread disease of tuberculosis.

“My daughter was sick all her life until she came out West and met the Apostolic Faith people who anoint the sick with oil and pray for them according to James 5:I4. God healed her instantly when she was prayed for and she wrote back home telling of her healing. I thought she had lost her mind, so I sent my boy out to investigate. He wrote home and said that his sister was not crazy. He, too, had been afflicted for some time, and now was healed and saved.

“I sent another daughter out to Portland to set both of them right. She wrote saying she had found salvation and told me that I had better get right with God.    I did not have much time left because of my own incurable disease.

“I came to Portland, and God saved my soul, too. I had had a cancer on my face for eleven years. God healed me, and there is only a little scar on my face to show where the cancer had been. I was nearly blind, had cataracts growing over my eyes. Though past fifty years of age, God restored my eyesight so that I could see to read the Bible and to sew without my glasses. Before then I used to have my lenses changed every few months. I had heart trouble, and was healed of that, too. God made me every whit whole.”

For many years, this faithful woman visited the sick, prayed for them and visited them in time of need; and in her late eighties, was called to meet her Savior.