One night a woman of the underworld wandered into the meetings. With painted face, hardened countenance, nerves twitching, she sat and listened to the testimonies, wondering if there could be hope for her. Many a time she had wanted a way out of sin, especially when she would go home and look into the tear-stained face of her mother who was bent with age and sorrow. But the habits of sin and the old haunts of shame would draw her back into their clutches.

Her condition had not always been such. She was brought up in a good home, traveled abroad, visited the famous spots in Europe, stopped at the first-class hotels; but when drink fastened itself on to her life it became her master. After her conversion, she said, “Little did I think when I took the first glass of wine, while yet a moral young woman, that the habit would ever have me so bound that I couldn’t get away from it. The automobiles, the grillrooms and the night life looked so glitering to me at that time, but I became a sinful, miserable woman, and did not know if there was any way out of that life.”

At Front and Burnside, this woman prayed through to victory. The next day she had no desire for drink or the life of sin. She was transformed by God’s grace and power divine; and until the time of her death, she lived a clean, moral life, worked hard for an honest living, and paid back money to those she had robbed.