Another remarkable conversion that took place in the early days at Front and Burnside was that of a conductor who served on the train, running from Chicago to Milwaukee. Though he had a good home and family in Toronto, Canada, and everything he needed to make life worthwhile, he had an aching void in his heart.

Thinking more money would satisfy, he began defrauding the railroad company, investing the money in land until he was in possession of property in six states. This only added confusion, misery and condemnation to his life. He had said that if he ever found a people who really lived the Christian life, he would give his heart to God. After five years of misery because of his life of sham, covering up his deeds, God permitted him to come to the city of Portland, where he saw the Apostolic Faith sign, and came to the meetings where God dealt with his heart.

There he heard a story of victory and power over sin. He asked God to give him the same peace others enjoyed who had been redeemed. In contrition of soul he earnestly prayed, confessing his sins to God. The Lord saved him gave him peace instead of misery, enabled him to make confession to the railroad company and to restore the money he had taken from them.

This man rejoiced when his wife, who too was hungering for more spiritually, came to the services and found her heart’s desire. For years she had done all she knew to do to please the Lord. She loved God, had paid tithes, and had learned to trust Him in times of sickness for her healing; but here she found the fullness of the Gospel preached in its simplicity and power. After pouring out her heart in prayer, she received deeper experiences and was endued with power for the service of her Master.

This young couple entered into the Gospel with all their hearts; and together they labored for over forty years in the work of evangelism, giving unselfishly of their time and energy. For many years, he was the head of the evangelistic work carried on in the penal institutions in and around Portland, and also was one of the leaders in the outdoor work, holding various street-meetings throughout the city. Today they are rejoicing around the Throne, thanking their Savior for the plan of redemption that brought them such great joy in this life and the life beyond.