Building specifications called for the new headquarters structure to be 100 x 100 feet in dimensions, two stories high – and to be constructed earthquake-proof, banded with strong steel reinforcements.
The first – floor plans included ten rooms to be used for rental space (later occupied by stores, shops offices and eating houses). Four other rooms were for the headquarters office, the mailing and the printing department, and a chapel for prayer.
On the second floor was the large church auditorium, its windows of stained glass, with occasional insignias of Jesus the Light of the World, and imprints of the Campground Tabernacle, showing through the translucent glass. The large basement was to house the modern heating system, supplies, and lunchroom.
For the exterior finish, we chose red pressed brick, eight inches thick and a trim of white glazed brick. Truly this project was a big order for a small group of people, but it seemed their faith and zeal knew no bounds.