The beacon lights of this church have led many faltering souls away from the darkness of sin and guided them to the glorious light of the Gospel.

A young woman tells of the times she saw the sign, "Jesus, the Light of the World," flashing before her eyes as she was about to enter a theater or ballroom. Down in her heart something would say, "I wonder what is under that sign." Years later, when her home was about to be broken up, she and her husband attended an Apostolic Faith service beneath that very same sign.

In testimony, she has said: "In this church I found what I had been seeking for in worldly pleasures and could not find. I can point you to the very spot where I knelt in prayer and the burden of sin rolled away. Now I 'have joy, victory, and something to live for."

Her husband, who was possessed with a covetous spirit, thought that because he had never drunk, or smoked, or had no other evil habits, that he did not need the old-time religion - and he said that he liked nothing he heard in the meeting. But when God convicted him of his condition he decided he was a sinner and sought for mercy. In prayer before God, he said, "Lord, sink or swim, live or die, I am going through with You." Today, he is one of the assisting ministers at the Apostolic Faith headquarters, and she, a member of the musical department, helps in various church activities.